Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Matthew Schouning
Brentan Carkhuff
Andrew Pedretti
Hussain Alawami
Mariani Pereira
Abby Charlson  
Tristen Witthuhn
                                                             Deutsche Hanse 09/24/14
1. What are imporant historical markers that describe the Hanse?
"The New Hanse" started in 1980, was opened to all former Hanseatic cities. The goal of this was cultural preservantion and a renewal of trade among these cities.
The Holtein gate, designed to protect the city is still standing today and is a world culture landmark.

2. How was life for citizens in Hanse cities different from other cities that recorded directly to a noble sovereign?
Citizens had special privileges in "Free cities", cities independent from the local lords of the land and instead owed allegience to the league and the emperor alone. These cities also had their own set of rules

3. Which trade routes existed and how did the trade?
The Kiel or "salt road." It ran between Hamburg and Luebeck. Popular to trade because salt was easy access and popular. Used often to dry and salt fish to distribute.

4. Describe the ships, the cities, the social makeup in Hanseatic cities.
the Hanseatic league had developed special ships called the baltic cog. the social makeup of the towns was diversely filled with people from all along the trade route cities.

5. The terms truth and trust were the key words and the driving belief among hans traders. Could you explain why?  Many merchants needed to collaborate together to be successful
The reason was because it was a dangerous occupation and if you were to lose a ship, you
would not be reimbursed anything. You would lose it all. To help with that, merchants would invest into the ships. That required trust.

Counters were examples of the importance of truthful and trustworthy. They needed to book keep all of the items brought in and out of a trading post. They were a huge keystone in the system, without them they whole system would crumble.

6. Anything you can find out worthy.

The "New Hanse" was started in 1980 in zwelle, Netherlands open to all previous members of the Hanseatic league including 12 russian cities. facts of hanseatic, it started since 13th century to 17th and it was founded in the twelfth century and trade was important for merchants and finding items to trade was crucial.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Deutsche Hansa

Deutsche Hansa 09/15/14
`If you turn the clock back 700 years ago in much of Germany, you notice globalization in a time no one what globalization was. It wasn't that the cities were link together through trade. It was the merchants; it was the league of merchant associations that controlled the trade within Northern Germany and the Baltic. Being a merchant was a dangerous job, so order to survive they need to stick together.
 Each part of the Deutsche Hansa is significant here are a few. In Norway (Bergen), dry cod was the major export. In Sweden (Stockholm), iron was the major export. In Northern Germany they produced wool, armor production, and even silks. The reason why the Deutsche Hansa exceeded because they agree in world of free trade in the late middle ages to the early part of the renaissance period. 
Now free trade is when a city can transport and even receive a good at no tax. This had many benefits, for all members of the Deutsche Hansa because they got the good that they needed. Also the cities got it at the without paying for any fees or tax. Deutsche was a economical move that operated on their on set of rules.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Group 5 Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia

Abby Charlson
Chanae Peterson



  • Population is 2.1 million 
  • Area is 16,171 square kilometers ( 6,244 sq mi)
  • 6th smallest area state
  • 5th smallest population state
  •  The capital is Erfurt

Picture Source:  09/4/14


  • Named after the Thuringii tribe who occupied the region around 300 AD
  • The war of Thuringia Succession happen(1247- 1264 AD) which broke up the western half of the state to from Hesse
  • Catholic Faith was aboishled in 1520
  • Thuringia was a series duchies, Saxe-Weimar-EisenachSaxe-MeiningenSaxe-AltenburgSaxe-Coburg-GothaSchwarzburg-SondershausenSchwarzburg-Rudolstadt it wasn't till after World War 1 that these duchies merge to one state.

The Forest

Picture source: 09/4/14
Picture Source: 09/4/14
Picture Source: 09/4/14
  • Thuringia is nicknamed," the green heart of Germany"
  • Locate in the middle of the state running northwest to southwest
  • Großer Beerberg, 982 m (3,222 ft). is the highest evelavtion point
  • It is home to the Rennsteig, which is the one most famous hiking path in Germany
  • Wartburg Castle a famous castle is in the forest.

Thuringia is location in the almost the heart of Germany. Where most of the population is Protestant and half the country is covered agriculture. That is why, the nickname make sense, “The green heart of German." First, that the state is in the middle of the country, Secondly, that the Thuringia has such a vast agriculture within the state. The people in Thuringia love their cakes, which play an important roll in Thuringia's traditions. They will be severed on every breakfast table and even for a midnight snack with party guest. What makes Thuringia different from the rest of Germany is that they use sheet cake. Sheet cake is like cheesecake. A classic meal in Thuringia contents Rouladen, which has rolls of meat, fish, or cabbage leaves. The side dishes are normally potato dumplings and onion cake as a vegetable. Thuringia falls into the darkness of WW2 because the Buchenwald concentration camp, where more than 50,000 people were killed during the Nazi era. Thuringia is one of the most smallest states both population and geometrically, don't let that fool you Thuringia is an interesting place to visit. Even though I have never been there, I feel like I know the state now. This will definitely be on my bucket list visit the forest.