Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Berlin Calling Part 2 10/28/14
I can't get over the sex and drugs of the movie, doing drugs is the biggest problem he faces. By doing drugs Ickarul life surrounds him so much that he can't breathe. His girlfriend cheats on him with a woman. His up coming album was cancelled; he is in and out of rehab. Ickarul life in a rack and needs help for someone. He is dealing with the demons with in himself. When you have all these demons inside it’s the people that are around you that get hurt the most. His girl friend left him and doesn’t want to see him. The drugs don’t just hurt him; they hurt the people he loves even more. Ickarul life is a miss because of those drugs he takes. It clouds his judgment and one thing after the next he is all alone with no one to love him. 10/29/14

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Berlin Calling

 What do drugs mean to Ickarus?
1. Drugs is a way of life to lckarus. He it makes him think that his music is better.
Why, when, and how are his fans taking drugs, and which drugs do they take?
2. Drugs are everywhere in the techno party crowd. Ecstasy and cocaine are noticalbe. The usage of this drugs make them feel move connected to the notes.
While we can see that his drug habits get him ill and into a psychosis, and while we witness his relapse and inability to work successfully, why does the subculture Ickarus belongs to focus on drugs?
3. I think that the subculuter he is in makes drugs seem normal. He is in the subculture that rebellion against society. Doing hard drugs in not a acceptable and anyone that does is thought to be a rebel.
Compare the standards you know from your home society with the people you see depicted in this movie. Which are the stark differences and contrasts?
4. I grew up in a small town, where everyone knows everyone , and drugs is not acceptable. Their is a vast difference between the movie and my hometown. What is similar is that the music, a lot of techno music is listened to in my home town.
Germany is considered a strong industrial nation the world over. Do you think that the youth culture as depicted here could change that? How about work ethics of Ickarus and of Alice, the label director who fires and then re-signs him?
5. It is hard to judge the youth culutre just by this movie. Their is a lot of different aspects of the german youth culture. That is why I can't state my opinion of the german culuter just by this movie.
 Which similar "cult movies" of US origin have you seen, if any?
6. I have not seen any movie like this.

What jumped out to me, won't seem shocking to most. That is the doing drugs and hooking up with women. I came from a town were you have to be dating a person for a while before having sex. I can see why society doesn't accept being hard drugs. The effects of the drugs have such a negitave outcome. It is movie like make never want to do drugs.

Monday, October 20, 2014

German Cuisine 10/20/14

German's love their meats.  Pork, beef, and poultry are the main meat eat in germany. Hands down the most popular in pork. Germans on avgerage eat around 130 pounds of meat in a calendar year. Chicken is very common like much in the united states. They don't fry the chicken as much as people here in the united states do. 10/20/14 10/20/14
Cakes and tarts are vey common across the german nation. Most of them have fresh fruit in the cakes.Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte known as black forest cake with cherries. This is the most common cake in all of Germany. What I found intersing is that Germany have donuts with without the holes. 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Chapter 6 of All Quiet on the Western Front

War is not a Place For Young Men 10/9/14
An attack is coming and everyone knows it, the men return to the frontlines, passing a bombed schoolhouse. There they see brand new coffins stacked across the schoolhouse. Paul knows that one of those coffins has his name on it. Especially when you're in the front lines of warfare. Paul says, " The Front is a cage in which we must await fearfully whatever may happen. We lie under the network of arching shells and live in suspense of uncertainty. Over us Chance hovers" (6.10). While in the trenches Kat tells everyone that the English has better guns then the French. Even more he sees rats steal his food from him. Paul is dancing with death by staying alive through this gruesome battle. He feels the way the earth seems to be tearing away under his feet and his having lost feeling on many levels. He cannot fathom the bodies that lay die and unburied. He lost the track of time, and becomes very furious about the pointless battle were men are dying every day over nothing. Coming into the battle their was 150 men when Paul return to base their only 32 men.

As the 2nd Company walks by the coffins that are inevitably intended for them, Kat becomes dispirited. He has had a great sense for what is happening on the front lines and begins to realize that the war is being lost. To make things worse, rations become very thin and Kat fails to find any food. As the constant shelling begins to break the new recruits, Kat helps Paul restrain the recruits. However, eventually a recruit escapes the trench and is nailed by a enemy shell. Kat and Paul try to keep busy with a card game but nobody can keep their minds off the constant shelling. 

Tjaden is the only man who keeps calm and unsuspicious while the other soldiers are getting nervous about the lull in the fighting. 

Corporal Himmelstoss is found by Paul in a trench cowering and pretending to be injured. Himmelstoss realized how terrible the war really is and he tries to avoid the fighting. In a moment of redemption, Himmelstoss is recruited to do a line charge and ends up bringing the badly injured Haie Westhus back to the trenches. In a more mature mindset, Himmelstoss tries to make amends with his former trainees by scavenging them some food.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The view of the war through Paul Bäumer

Paul Bäumer 10/7/14
I am young. I am full of hope and expire to become a great person. I am in school with young man just like me, in military school. The world is changing around us, war is breaking out and our country is in need for soldiers. Our teacher advocates that we take action and step up for our nation and fight. I think will be a great place. A time for travel, a time for living a live that goes beyond my hometown. Then after hard training and getting into the routine war isn't what I thought it was. The food is bad, if we get any at all. The worst part of my experience of warfare is the thought that never leave your mind. In training camp or other know has boot camp they teach you that your fighting people that aren't worth living, and that they're better of die then alive. I went through some intense hand-to-hand combat and stabbed a French solider. That French solider was a husband and a father, his wife and or his children will ever see him again. I have to live with that for the rest of my life. I wake up in the middle of the night screaming because of the war. War is old men sending young men to die.